Student Conduct
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The Office of Student Conduct serves to support the Mission and Ethos of Carroll University through fair and equitable processes that serves to maintain a community of excellence, safety and character. Consistent with this mission, The Office of Student Conduct will:
- Protect the interest, rights and values of Carroll University by upholding all local, state and federal laws.
- Hold students and student groups accountable and challenge them to understand their actions and how they impact the larger campus community.
- Encourage students to interrogate their own values and identify how they may adopt alternative patterns of behavior that support their ideals.
Student Conduct Report: Complete this form to file a complaint with the Office of Student Conduct. A hearing officer will respond to the complaint.
Campus Climate Report: The Campus climate Response Protocol advances this commitment by providing a mechanism by which individuals may report incidents of real or perceived bias, exclusion, or inequity and seek support through campus resources in addressing those concerns.
Title IX & Sexual Misconduct: Important information on how to report sexual misconduct; including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.
Pio Support: The Student Support Team supports student retention and a healthy campus community at Carroll University by coordinating support services and appropriate interventions to assist students who are in distress or who have reportedly displayed troublesome or concerning behaviors.
a. The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) prohibits educational institutions from disclosing information from a student's educational record to any third party, including parents, without the student's consent. Carroll University strictly adheres to FERPA provisions, however, some exceptions may be made including when there is a concern regarding the health and safety of the involved student, when there are repeated violations of misuse of alcohol or illegal/controlled substances or a repeated pattern of student misconduct. Instances in which a parent/guardian are contacted for misconduct, notifications will be made in partnership with the student.
b. Students may request a FERPA waiver from the Director of Student Conduct.
Sanctions for student misconduct are developed on an individualized basis and focus on individual development, personal growth and when possible, reconciliation and restoration where harm has been done. Many avenues are utilized to achieve this goal including reflections, projects, fines, restorative dialogue, mentorship opportunities and developmental conversations. In instances of severe misconduct, Carroll University reserves the right to remove the student from the campus community.
Students are required to comply with requests from the Office of Student Conduct, including participation in the hearing process. Should a student fail to comply, decisions may be made in the absence of the alleged individual and a non-compliance charge of $50 will be placed on the student account.
Students are permitted to have advisors present in their hearing. However, Advisors are intended to serve as a supportive/informative measure and may not communicate with the hearing officer(s).
Students do have the ability to appeal the decision provided based on the following criteria:
- Procedural error that prevented a fair decision;
- Material misstatement or misapplication of the University rules, regulations or polices alleged to have been violated;
- Decision not supported by substantial evidence; or
- Material evidence or facts newly discovered which could not with reasonable diligence have been discovered and introduced at the hearing.
As stated in the Student Handbook, The Student Code of Conduct is applied to both on and off campus settings as well as online and digital spaces (including social media and blogging platforms).
The term “more likely than not” is the standard of proof used in all conduct proceedings. It is equivalent to the legal standard of “preponderance of evidence.” Under this standard, a Student, Registered Club, Student Organizations, Fraternity and Sorority Organization, or Team will be found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct only with the information presented during the conduct process would lead a Reasonable Person to conclude that it is more likely than not that the accused Student, Registered Club, Student Organization, Fraternity and Sorority Organization or Team’s actions violated the Student Code of Conduct.
Yes. Upon receipt of notice from the Office of Student Conduct, a student may request a copy of their documented incident. This must be done more than 24 hours in advance of the hearing. For the privacy of all involved, names and other information deemed to be sensitive may be redacted.
The Student Conduct process is based on fairness and equity. Alleged individuals will be able to read all pertinent information, provide their account of the situation and explore reasonable outcomes. Hearing Officers will make decisions based on all information provided and come to a conclusion of whether the student is to be found responsible or not responsible.
Students are responsible for knowing and understanding all policies and procedures. Lack of knowledge is not an excuse for misconduct. Students are encouraged to contact university officials if unclear about a specific policy.
- Alcoholic beverages may be possessed, purchased and/or consumed only by persons of legal drinking age, and only in areas designated by the university.
- No individual may procure, sell, dispense or give alcoholic beverages for or to an underage individual. This includes hosting a gathering where underage individuals are in possession of alcoholic beverages.
- Intoxication and/or alcohol abuse shall not be tolerated and will not be accepted as an excuse for unlawful behavior or misconduct.
- Alcoholic beverages will be permitted at approved campus events in accordance with the guidelines established by the university.
- Alcoholic beverages of any kind are strictly prohibited at university athletic events, in university-owned or leased vehicles, and in classrooms, unless permitted by guidelines established by the university.
- Alcoholic beverages are never to be used as a reward for achievement or given as a prize or an award.
- Common alcohol sources, such as kegs, are prohibited.
- Regardless of age, alcohol related paraphernalia is prohibited.
- Any intoxicated person will be considered to be in possession of an alcoholic beverage by consumption.
The level at which the alleged alcohol violation will be heard is determined by the specifics of the particular incident, past history or conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations which may have occurred simultaneously.
- First level alcohol violations will likely result in a written warning, $100 fine, and additional sanctions which may include participation in an Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) assessment or education programs.
- Second level alcohol violations will likely result in a $150 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification, and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs.
- Third level alcohol violations will likely result in a $200 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs, and/or referral to the Carroll Conduct Board which may result in probation, suspension, or termination from housing and/or dismissal from the university.
*First, second and third level alcohol sanctions may be more severe depending of the specifics of the particular incident, past history of conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations that may have occurred simultaneously.
- The possession, sale, distribution, production, or use/misuse of illegal, controlled, or banned substances is prohibited.
- Possession, use and/or distribution of any rape drugs, including but not limited to Rohypnol, Ketamine, GHB, Burundanga, without a prescription, is prohibited, and administering one of these drugs to another students is, additionally, a violation of the Sexual Misconduct policy. More information on these drugs can be found at .
- The possession of paraphernalia, including but not limited to bongs, hookahs, scaled, and pipes for the purpose of illegal drug use is prohibited.
- Prescription drugs are controlled substances. The use of prescription drugs for non-medical reasons is prohibited. Prescription drugs may only be used by the student who m they are prescribed.
The level at which the alleged illegal, controlled, and banned substance violation will be heard is determined by the specifics of a particular incident, past history of conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations which may have occurred simultaneously.
- First level illegal, controlled, or banned substance violations will likely result in a written warning, $100 fine, and additional sanctions which may include participation in an Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) assessment or education programs.
- Second level illegal, controlled, or banned substance violations will likely result in a $150 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification, and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs.
- Third level illegal, controlled, or banned substance violations will likely result in a $200 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification and participation in an AODA assessment or educational programs, and/or referral to the Carroll Conduct Board which may result in probation, suspension, or termination from housing and/or dismissal from the university.
*First, second, and third level illegal, controlled, or banned substance sanctions may be more severe depending on the specifics of the particular incident, part history of conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations that may have occurred simultaneously.
Jake Eisch
Director of Student Conduct & Violence Prevention